43. Silly post.. Don't Read.. Wasting Time..(+_+)

Assalamualaikum and Very Good Day Mate..


Dear readers,

Today is 1st August 2010.. so.. still.. what.. owh silly girl.. 

Don't even waste ur time to read this post..

No benefit at all..

Trust me..

Why still read?

Why are u so stubborn..

I said don't read this..


it will wasting ur precious  time..

bored post..

silly me..



Hepy 1st August guys..

haha.. sycko dowh..

actually I have something to write over here..


suddenly all of the idle thought of mine disappeared..

owh gile weh..

post apakah ini..

ok2.. stop here before i become more worst..(ayat apakah ini..hoho)..


p/s: unemployed people symptom.. owh i'm so sory..pity me.. ;(

p/s: nak ckp sebenarnya td i dapat 3 missed calls dr unknown number.. unluckily... i don't realize it.. so i xjwb.. i msg tnye sape (coz worried dat call from any company..).. tpi xreply.. i nak call blk credit xde..wawa.. ;( sape call i tadi?? 

p/s: so.. what should I do.. no mood la to update this blog for few days.. xtau nak tulis ape..huhu.. 

Ma'assalamah wa ilal liqa'.. ;)


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