61. When A Day is Raining.. When A Heart Get Hurting.. Turn to Allah is The Finishing..(-_-)
Assalamualaikum and Good Morning Mates..!
Welcome to my 61st post.. hehe..:D
I did post couple, duple, triple.., entries few days back. But all those are in Bahasa. It's seem long time I'm not using our second language. So it will be terrible for me and I warned you don't read because it will be messed up by me. In fact, I'm worried if u can't understand what I'm gonna write after this. If you want to read it's up to you. The choice is yours..;D. After all, I actually even unsure what I want to update over here because I do update this blog almost everyday.
My dearie mates..!
Now, I prefer to keep silence from my friends. I wonder myself why I did such thing. People said a person cannot live without a friend surround them. It's so true. But sometimes, we need time to be alone. I sincerely believe that we are not alone because with us, Allah is always by our side. He never left us behind. It's just we that left HIM sometimes. Isn't it. Please agree okay..! It's a fact peeps..!
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Friends indeed... ^_^ |
As a human being, I did feel frustrated, unfulfilled, irritated, defeated so on and so off. I do realize as a Muslim, we are not encourage to feel those kind of feelings. We should not to be give up easily. Because we believe that Allah is always by our side. Do pray to Him. Insya-Allah one day He will answer our prays. He never puts a burden or tests to us unless He knows that we can go through and bear the test. In fact, I as a human always keep my eyes closed, keep my ears ignored, keep my heart away from Him. Astaghfirullah. Hopefully, Allah will fogive me.. :(
My valued readers..!
Rite now I still in Kl. But I don't tell anyone of my closed friend. In fact I'm so bored. I swear..;p So what do you think..? It is okay if I keep silence from them or just text them telling the truth. The truth..??
The truth is... Hrm.. The truth is hard to express. I'm expert in pretend to be okay and live happily ever after rather than express my true feelings..xoxo.
I actually don't want to burden my frens' shoulder. If I could, I'll be their shoulder to cry on. I don't know why. Because I don't want they worried about me. They perhaps have their own life and their own things to do. I've no choice at all. Just continuing my life with full of hopes...
There must me some space for me in the future in this world.There must be some work that waiting for me.There must be some 'one' that I'll live without.There must be some opportunity called indeed..!There must be with HIS wills,There will be with HIS loves,There will be with HIS guidance.Insya-Allah. With all His wills.Biiznillah.. :')
Cried sometimes make me relief. So if you wanna cry just let it be. Let's ur tear drawn to make you feel better. But, now don't assume I cried. Just I wanna cry.. wuwuwu..~
Friends indeed..!
Before this post make all of you crazy, should be pen off. In fact, me myself not really understand what I write just now.. lol..~ Owh so annoying sometimes. After all, I do understand myself. Of course la.! I know and I realize what I'm talking about. Just me and only me know what's going around me. And Allah as well. :)
Before this session of entry will be end soon, I do pray that Allah will always guide my way, please give me some strength to go through all this things, I do hope Allah is always give me some patience, a pure heart and a true faith. Ameen ya Rab. Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahuakbar..! :)
Peeps..! let's go through this things..:)
Kurniakanlah kepadaku HATI seperti ini…
1. hati yang SEDAR
“sesungguhnya ( keterangan-keterangan dan peristiwa-peristiwa ) yg tersebut, tidak syak lagi mengandungi pengajaran bagi sesiapa yang mempunyai hati yang SEDAR, atau yang menggunakan pendengarannya bersungguh-sungguh ( kepada pengajaran itu ) dengan menumpukan hati dan fikiran kepadaNYA”
(surah qaf 50;37)
2. hati yang BERSIH
“sesungguhnya berjayalah orang-orang yang mejadikan dirinya sentiasa bersih dan bertambah-tambah bersih ( dengan iman dan amal kebajikan )”
(surah al-syams 91;9)
3. hati yang LURUS
3. hati yang LURUS
“ wahai tuhan kami, jangan lah engkau pesongkan hati kami setelah Engkau memberi petunjuk kepada kami, kurniakanlah kepada kami limpah rahmat daripada sisimu, sesungguhnya Engkau jualah Tuhan yang melimpah limpah pemberiannya”
(surah al imran 3;8)
4. hati yang TERHIJAB
4. hati yang TERHIJAB
“ dan diantara mereka yang memperdengarkan kepadamu Al Quran, padahal kami telah jadikan tutupan berlapis-lapis atas hati mereka, yang menghalang mereka daripada memahaninya, dan kami jadikan pada telinga mereka penyumbat yang menjadikan telinga mereka pekak”
(surah al-an’am 6;25)
….dan Kau peliharalah hatiku ini….
Okay, I do hope we meet again in new post mates..!
Take care.. (^_^)
p/s: okay tengah masuk air..;p
p/s: before I officially end mind that I'm not GOOD
in English.. ;D
p/s: please ignore all the mistakes in the sentences..
most welcomed if wanna correct me..:)
Ma'assalamah wa ilal liqa'..:)